Friday, March 20, 2015

The Bouncing Egg

Bella, Kylee, Hope, Jake and Mrs. Frieden made bouncing eggs.  First, they put an egg in a cup and filled the cup with white vinegar.
This is what the eggs looked like after 3 days.
The egg sat in the cup for 3 days.  Each day the shell on the egg dissolved more and more.  On the third day they took the egg out of the cup and scrubbed any remaining shell off the egg.  Next, they held the eggs about 3 inches above a table and let go.  The eggs bounced!!! But they don't bounce when dropped a long distance. Kylee's egg slipped out of her hand and broke.  The kids discovered the eggs still had a soft yoke inside.

 OOPS!!!   Kylee's egg slipped out of her hand!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Homework Projects

First graders are learning about recycling this week.  The assignment was to take something old and turn it into something new.  These projects were AMAZING!!!  I was absolutely blown away by what these kids created!!
Robot made by Clinton (left)  and Nikolaj's transformer (right).

Zach's racing car

Bella and her robot.     Starr and the blanket she made.

Sebastian and his car.

Elijah made a truck!

Judah created a bird feeder.

Josiah driving his race car.

Alex and Recycle Robot.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

1w Checkers Tournament

These are pictures from the first and second round of our tournament. Some 6th grade friends came and officiated for us.  It was a lot of FUN!
 Sebastian and Alex playing hard.  Sebastian wins this round

Bella and Starr playing. Bella won round 1.

Josiah looking for a checker. He emerges the winner.

Kylee and Nikolaj had a very LONG game. Nikolaj finally won.

Kenzie and Elijah playing.  Kenzie wins this round.

 When we finish the tournament we will publish the winner and more photos.  Stay tuned!

Day 100 Party

Josiah hard at work.


Zach trying to decide what to create.

Sebastian creating with 100 shape blocks

Kylee designing